
Analysis of Identified Gaps in Australia’s Terrorism Insurance Environment
Analysis of Identified Gaps in Australia’s Terrorism Insurance Environment

Since ARPC’s establishment in 2003, the global terrorism environment has continued to evolve. In particular, there has been an increased risk of low-sophistication attacks carried out by lone actors using knives, firearms, and motor vehicles. The e ...

Between State and Market: Protection Gap Entities and Catastrophic Risk
Between State and Market: Protection Gap Entities and Catastrophic Risk

The report, ‘Between State and Market: Protection Gap Entities and Catastrophic Risk’, was led by Professor Paula Jarzabkowski and looks at both developed and developing economies, to explain their role, their effects and their limitations in man ...

Insurance for climate adaptation: Opportunities and Limitations
Insurance for climate adaptation: Opportunities and Limitations

In this report, the authors make recommendations to maximize the benefits of insurance for climate adaptation. This report has been written by Professor Paula Jarzabkowski - Cass Business School, Dr Konstantinos Chalkias - Birkbeck, University of  ...

Global Reinsurance Masterclass Series - Masterclass 1: Re-think reinsurance
Global Reinsurance Masterclass Series - Masterclass 1: Re-think reinsurance

This Masterclass: • Analyzes the ‘big picture’ of the reinsurance industry through Porter’s Five Forces model of competition; • Examines the key players aligned with these Five Forces and their impact on competition and industry profitabi ...